Theory of Change

Our Theory of Change works across four pathways, Legal, Advocacy, Collaboration, and Resourcing. Together these bring about a more just world for women and girls.

Explore our interactive Theory of Change to learn how we work across four change pathways.

LEGAL: Facilitating legal, thus systemic, change that addresses violence and discrimination against all women and girls around the world.
>> Explore our LEGAL pathway

ADVOCACY: Advocating for the development and implementation of progressive laws and jurisprudence in alignment with international law and standards, and fostering environments that respect women and girls through feminist-, human rights-, and evidence-based advocacy.
>> Explore our ADVOCACY pathway

COLLABORATION: Working in partnership with a broad and diverse range of actors to increase our mutual understanding, reach and impact with respect to ensuring the rights of all women and girls, to promote strategic collaboration and the pooling of expertise, and to be held accountable for our interventions.
>> Explore our COLLABORATION pathway

RESOURCING: Engaging the global community in galvanizing the resources necessary to stand up against the powerful systems that repress women and girls, and sustain the fight for legal and systematic equality.
>>Explore our RESOURCING pathway

Hear from Niki Kandirikirira about the development of our Theory of Change, including how it works in action.