We are aware of at least 92 countries* across the globe where there is currently available evidence of women and girls living with FGM/C or who are at risk of having FGM/C performed on them.
Laws Against Female Genital Mutilation: A Global Picture
Of the 92 countries where female genital mutilation is practiced, 51 countries have specifically prohibited FGM under their national laws, either through a specific anti-female genital mutilation law or by prohibiting female genital mutilation under a criminal provision in other domestic laws such as the criminal or penal code, child protection laws, violence against women laws or domestic violence laws.
- Laws against female genital mutilation are most common in the African continent with 55% of total laws globally coming from the 28 countries in Africa that have enacted specific laws or specific legal provisions against female genital mutilation.
- Apart from the African continent, 41% of total laws against female genital mutilation are of countries where female genital mutilation is most commonly practiced by diaspora communities, with 16 European countries, the U.S., Canada, Australia, and New Zealand all having specific laws or legal provisions against female genital mutilation. Georgia has also recently passed a law against female genital mutilation**.
- In contrast, in the Middle East, only Iraq (Kurdistan) and Oman have specific laws or legal provisions banning female genital mutilation.***
- In Asia, not a single country has enacted a specific legal prohibition against female genital mutilation.****
- There are also no specific laws or legal provisions against female genital mutilation in Latin America.
Explore the full joint report, FGM/C: A Call for a Global Response
* This information is correct up to January 2020. Read the full list of countries here.
** In Georgia, female genital mutilation is commonly practiced by non-diaspora communities.
*** Egyptian law also specifically prohibits female genital mutilation. However, Egypt has been included as part of Africa as opposed to the Middle East for the purposes of this report.
**** Cyprus and Georgia have passed specific prohibitions against female genital mutilation. Though Cyprus and Georgia are sometimes considered part of Asia, they are included within the European continent for the purposes of this report as Cyprus is a member of the EU and Georgia is a State Party to the Council.