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Four Reasons Monthly Donations Benefit Both You and Equality Now

Every year Equality Now strives to expand our reach and do even more to achieve global legal and systemic gender equality. Our success is in big part thanks to the continued commitment of our Activist Investors, the monthly donors that help sustain our critical work. While we value all of our supporters, our Activist Investors’ steadfast support warrants special recognition. They are our most reliable partners in resourcing the continuing campaign for equality for women and girls.

Our recurring donors provide financial support we can count on.

During uncertain times or under unforeseen circumstances, like an economic crisis or global pandemic, people may be less or more inclined to donate. As a result, an organization’s funding can fluctuate, potentially putting nonprofits in a difficult position. While Equality Now strives to be prepared for every situation, financial or otherwise, we are grateful for the dependable income provided by our Activist Investors. Their steady support bolsters our work, helping secure our success and continued growth, and plan for the future. Without them, we could not maintain our work that supports millions of women and girls worldwide.

This is particularly important considering the time commitment required in many legal cases. For example, we worked with our partner, People Serving Girls at Risk, for five years on the case of ‘Maggie’ who was sex trafficked as a minor and then failed and further traumatized in the justice system. Following years of seeking a resolution of her case in the courts in Malawi, we lodged a complaint to the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACERWC). With the Malawi Government, we participated in a hearing before the ACERWC that led to the Government requesting an amicable settlement, which we are currently negotiating. The terms of the settlement will require the government to do a better job of enforcing anti-trafficking laws and ensuring perpetrators are held accountable. Our involvement in this case will not only improve Maggie’s chances of securing the justice she deserves, it will create deep systemic change that will benefit other survivors, and better prepare Equality Now for future cases in this setting. 

Pursuing strategic litigation and committing to cases that may take years to conclude requires consistent funding over an extended period. Our Activist Investors make this work possible.

Our recurring donors grant us flexibility. 

With the help of our monthly donors, Equality Now is better equipped to meet new challenges and opportunities as they arise. Monthly gifts provide flexible funding, allowing us to swiftly change direction in the face of unforeseen challenges and opportunities and fund the most vulnerable areas of our work. The status of women’s rights can change rapidly, and Equality must be poised to act at any moment. 

The recent attempt in The Gambia to repeal the Women’s Amendment Act 2015’s provisions criminalizing female genital mutilation (FGM) is a perfect example. Repealing the law would have serious and far-reaching consequences including reversing the gains made in safeguarding the rights and well-being of women and girls. As soon as we became aware of this attempt, Equality Now jumped into action. We partnered with local organizations, including the Gambia Committee on Traditional Practices Affecting the Health of Women and Children, and jointly undertook a comprehensive campaign to defend the Act. Thanks to the flexible funding provided by our Activist Investors, we started a comprehensive media advocacy campaign, engaged in legal advocacy, and strategically and financially supported local organizations. Our work was a success – the bill attempting to repeal the anti-FGM ban was rejected this month.

These are only two reasons why Equality Now values and appreciates the ongoing support of our monthly donors. Less well known, however, might be the numerous benefits a recurring gift has for our supporters – you.

Recurring giving is convenient.

Monthly contributions automatically withdraw from your account and can be canceled or updated at any time through our donor portal. Our Activist Investors can avoid the hassle of trying to remember to make their annual contributions and can donate without needing to access a website or find a stamp and envelope for the mail. 

Recurring donations save time and energy and may also be a better fit for you financially. In the words of one of our Activist Investors, Annie, “I see the monthly donation as more of an investment than a gift, whereas a bigger lump sum is more difficult to justify at any given moment. I chose Equality Now because it’s specifically focused on attitudes towards women, and I’d definitely like to see that focus maintained.” 

If you regularly support Equality Now and plan to maintain that support going forward, this giving option might be perfect for you.

Recurring giving welcomes you to a remarkable community of Equality Now’s most dedicated supporters.

Equality Now’s Activist Investors are also our partners. They sustain our work and deepen our impact, thereby helping us realize a fully-capitalized women’s rights sector that has the resources it needs to achieve legal equality and access justice for women and girls. 

As an agent of change and member of this exclusive group, you will be privy to important impact updates that demonstrate how your investment improves women’s and girls’ lives.

We are grateful for the Activist Investors who’ve committed to and invested in our mission thus far and hope others will consider us as they plan their 2024 and 2025 charitable giving. Women’s rights are severely underfunded – representing just 1.6% of charitable giving, and giving to women and girls’ civil rights and advocacy represents just 0.3% of this amount. With authoritarianism and threats to women’s and girls’ rights on the rise, we all need to thoughtfully safeguard our future. Please join us as an Activist Investor today.

Become an Activist Investor


Sustain Equality Now’s work with a monthly gift today. With your help, we can expand our reach and do even more to achieve global legal and systemic gender equality.

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