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Gender Equality in Progress: Convening the Hurra Coalition in the MENA Region

What is the Hurra Coalition?

The Hurra Coalition is a network of organizations advocating for women’s rights and gender equality in the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region. Established in September 2023 to combat systemic discrimination against women and girls in existing family laws, the Coalition works to create legal and social reforms that ensure equality and justice. The Coalition initiatives focus on developing and implementing campaigns to reform family law in key thematic areas such as child marriage; child custody and guardianship by divorced mothers; and the distribution of marital wealth after the dissolution of marriage. 

Collaboration is a key pillar of Equality Now’s Theory of Change, working in partnership with a broad and diverse range of actors to increase our mutual understanding, promote strategic collaboration, and pool our collective expertise. 

This year, the Hurra Coalition’s annual convening, held from July 2 to July 4, 2024, in Istanbul, Turkey,  was a significant gathering of representatives from 13 Women’s Rights Organizations (WROs) across nine countries in the MENA  region. The event marked the launch of the Hurra Coalition’s Five-Year Strategic Plan and 2025 Action Plan, pivotal frameworks guiding the Coalition’s efforts towards gender equality and family legal reforms.

Defining the Hurra Coalition’s 2025-2029 Strategic Plan 

During the three-day convening, members engaged in rigorous discussions and collaborative efforts to refine and finalize their strategic plan for 2025-2029. The aim was to establish a roadmap for the next five years, ensuring unified and effective advocacy across the region. The diverse geographical and cultural perspectives within the Coalition enriched discussions and strategies, demonstrating the power of unity in addressing common issues. New members, including The Bahrain Women’s Union (BWU), joined the meeting, marking a milestone in efforts to expand the Coalition’s reach and reinforce its mission across the MENA region.

Working groups meticulously reviewed and refined the strategic plan and internal governance rules, ensuring all members were aligned with the Coalition’s objectives.

Lessons from the Convening

The convening was an opportunity for members to reflect on their collective progress and learn from each other’s experiences. Key insights included:

  • The Importance of Youth Engagement

Contributions from young activists underscored the importance of involving the next generation in advocacy efforts, ensuring the continuity and dynamism of the Coalition’s mission. Young women activists from the YW4A program participated, discussed, and learned from the Hurra members how to effectively enhance their advocacy skills and understand the value of regional networking. In parallel, the Coalition held training sessions in media and legal advocacy for young activists from Tunisia, Palestine, Morocco, and  Jordan, as part of the Coalition’s strategy to provide young activists with the needed skills to pursue their advocacy missions. 

  • The Impact of our Collective Advocacy

Coalition members including the Mains Libres Association in Morocco, the Egyptian Foundation for Family Development in Egypt, and the Lebanese Council to Resist Violence Against Women in Lebanon (LECORVAW) shared the effectiveness of their targeted national and grassroots campaigns, particularly in combating child marriage and promoting equitable distribution of marital wealth.

The Resilience of the Hurra Coalition

Despite facing ultra-conservative backlash, political instability, and governmental crackdowns in most of the MENA region, the Coalition’s growth and impact are a testament to the resilience and dedication of its members, and their commitment to eradicate discrimination against women in family laws.

Photo caption: Young women activists from the YW4A Program

What’s Next for the Hurra Coalition? 

Looking ahead, the Hurra Coalition is gearing up to build on the momentum gained from the convening. Key next steps include:

  • Implementing the Strategic Plan: The newly developed strategic plan will drive the Hurra Coalition’s work to reform family laws through national and regional campaigns. Encompassing a detailed analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the Coalitionand its members, a stakeholder analysis of the Coalition’s main allies and key actors, a results framework, and the key strategic approaches for Hurra members to implement campaigns, the strategic plan will guide the work of the Coalition for the next five years. Yearly action plans for regional and national campaigns will ensure coordinated and impactful advocacy efforts. 
  • Ongoing Advocacy and Campaigns: The Coalition will maintain its focus on key issues such as child marriage, maternal custody rights, and the distribution of marital wealth, adapting strategies based on lessons learned and emerging challenges.
  • Expanding Reach: Joint campaigns, collaborations with grassroots initiatives, and welcoming new members will continue to enhance the Coalition’s influence and effectiveness across the MENA region. For more information about the Hurra Coalition member’s criteria, visit the Hurra Coalition’s webpage.

The Hurra Coalition remains steadfast in its mission to eradicate discrimination against women in family laws and achieve gender equality. By uniting diverse voices and fostering regional cooperation, the Coalition is paving the way for a more just and equitable future for women and girls in the MENA region. 

As a founding member of the Hurra Coalition, Equality Now was appointed as its Secretariatin 2023. Equality Now has bolstered members’ capacities in various areas, including campaign strategy, legal and media advocacy, engagement with policy and decision-makers, and fostering active participation among young activists in the MENA region.

Photo caption: Participants of the Media and Legal Advocacy Training
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