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Explore in-depth resources on women’s rights issues, including sexual violence, sexual exploitation, harmful practices, and legal discrimination from our expert network of lawyers and activists.


Moroccan Women’s Legislative Gains and Opportunities for Reform in Lebanon

March 11, 2020

Moroccan Women’s Legislative Gains and Opportunities for Reform in Lebanon is the latest publication from Equality Now...


Words and Deeds: Beijing+25 Report

March 2, 2020

The 4th UN Conference on Women in 1995 was the birth of The Beijing Platform for Action, the most progressive blueprint ever ...


Manifesto to end FGM in the UK by 2030

February 5, 2020

This manifesto, calling for FGM to be eradicated worldwide by 2030, was delivered to the UK Prime Minister to mark the Intern...


Recommendations for Access to Justice for Sexual Violence in Georgia

September 25, 2019

In Georgia, sexual violence survivors are coming together to demand justice and calling upon the government not to treat perp...


Roadblocks To Justice: How The Law Is Failing Survivors Of Sexual Violence In Eurasia

January 16, 2019

Released in January 2019, this report contains a general overview of the laws on sexual violence in the 15 countries of the f...


Breathing Life into the Maputo Protocol: Case Digest – Jurisprudence on the Rights of Women and Girls in Africa

April 7, 2018

This Digest aims to promote the use of one of the world’s most comprehensive and progressive human rights instruments ̵...


The World’s Shame: The Global Rape Epidemic

November 7, 2017

Around the world, rape and sexual abuse are everyday violent occurrences — affecting close to a billion women and girls...


2016 Violence Against Girls: Summit on FGM/C report

December 7, 2016

In December 2016, Equality Now, Safe Hands for Girls, The United States Institute of Peace, and the US Network to End FGM/C c...


GIRL MOTHERS: Forced child pregnancy and motherhood in Latin America and the Caribbean by CLADEM

February 7, 2016

Tens of thousands of girls are raped and become pregnant across Latin America every year. The ages of these girls show that t...


The State We’re In: Ending Sexism in Nationality Laws

January 7, 2016

Our 2016 report, which was sent to the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, documents a wide range of harmful...


Learning From Cases of Girls’ Rights

November 7, 2015

Representing the knowledge gained from cases undertaken as part of Equality Now’s Adolescent Girls’ Legal Defense Fund (A...


Prevalence of FGM in England and Wales

July 7, 2015

This report contains estimates of the numbers of women with female genital mutilation (FGM) living in England and Wales, the ...