In October 2023, the United States was reviewed by the United Nations Human Rights Committee, and for the first time, a UN treaty body recommended that the United States adopt the ERA.
As part of our, I Need the ERA Because… campaign, we examine how the ERA would help position the United States as a true leader of equality and place it among the 85% of UN member states that have already achieved constitutional equality.
For over 100 years, generations of feminists have been working toward gender equality within the United States Constitution. Download this factsheet to learn more about how the ERA could prevent or eliminate existing discriminatory practices on the basis of sex or gender; facilitate the elimination of sex-discriminatory laws within the United States; uphold the fundamental human right of everyone to equality and non-discrimination, and bring the United States more in line with international law.

I need the ERA because…a girl is not a wife – Child marriage
It is estimated by Unchained at Last that about 300,000 children were married in the United States between 2000 and 2018, the…
I need the ERA because…reproductive rights are human rights – Abortion
By rightfully framing access to reproductive healthcare, including access to legal abortion, as fundamental to ensuring gende…
I need the ERA because… I have the right to bodily integrity – FGM
Despite the prevalence of the practice in the USA and the persisting risk to many women and girls, 20% of American states do …
I need the ERA because… one in three women experience violence in her lifetime – Gender Based Violence
Data shows that marginalized communities, such as indigenous women, Black women, and young women will be disproportionately a…
I need the ERA because…LGBTQ+ rights are human rights
Because discrimination on the basis of gender identity or sexual orientation is sex discrimination, the ERA will make it much…
I need the ERA because… economic rights are human rights
In the United States, women do not have protections nor an explicit guarantee of equality on the basis of sex or gender withi…
I need the ERA because…paid care is a right – gender equality and the care economy
For more than a century, feminists have realized that omitting sex discrimination from the Constitution presents a major barr…
I need the ERA because…the voice of the US legal profession endorses it!
In August 2024, The American Bar Association, the largest national volunteer association of lawyers in the world, adopted&nbs…