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Darya – Iran

Whilst there is no nationally representative data on FGM/C prevalence in Iran, various studies surveying women and girls from  Western and Southern regions in Iran have found FGM/C prevalence ranging from 16 – 83% within the study samples. Girls are cut at different ages normally ranging from babies up to 16 or 17-years-old, though a majority of girls are cut before the age of 7.

I cried so much when they circumcised me. I asked them to stop. 

It seems like a nightmare to me. I feel so sad about it now. 

I was 17 years old when my eldest daughter was circumcised. Her circumcision was more painful to me than my own. 

I was really oppressed at that situation. I was so little that I knew nothing about love affairs. I mean that I didn’t know what was supposed to be done! Nothing at all. 

Women who have been circumcised do not want to have sex more than once or twice a month. It means that if they have more sex with their husband, that is because they want to keep their husband satisfied and keep their family too. 

It is really hard. It is a disaster and you cannot understand it as long as you are not circumcised yourself. It was harder to see my daughter circumcised than [going through] my own.

Rayehe Mozafarian, founder of Stop FGM Iran, spoke to women including Darya* to document the practice of FGM/C in Iran, and is advocating to end the practice.

An illustration of a group of women holding their hands up in a gesture to "stop"

*Name has been changed.