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Take Action

Still No Constitutional Equality in the US. Together, We Can Change That
Although the majority of senators voted on April 27th in favor of SJ Res 4, the resolution to recognize the ERA as the 28th Amendment, it did not gain the required 60 votes required to pass. But the ERA is …

International Day Of Families – Week of Action
This year for the International Day of Families on May 15th, the Global Campaign for Equality in Family Law (GCEFL) is marking a ‘Week of Action’ between May 15 – 19th, and we invite you to join our efforts in ending …

Tell Your Senators to Vote Yes on the ERA Today!
Surprisingly, the US Constitution does not guarantee equal rights for women. After 100 years of campaigning, we are so close to changing that. Join our campaign to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment by calling on your Senators to …